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Charles Darwin quotation

Ignorance more frequently begets confidence than does knowledge: it is those who know little, and not those who know much, who so positively assert that this or that problem will never be solved by science

Jean-Baptiste Colbert quotation

L'art de l'imposition consiste à plumer l'oie pour obtenir le plus possible de plumes avec le moins possible de cris

Somebody quotation

El miedo es la via perfecta hacia el lado oscuro. El miedo lleva a Windows, Windows a la desesperacion, esta al odio hacia Bill Gates y ese odio lleva a LINUX

Vares Velles

Vares Velles
Al Tall

Això és Espanya (vara seguidilla) per Al Tall

dimecres, 13 de juny del 2018

Per Sempre Viu (Haiku)


Quan l'aparença
se'ns desfulla i s'envola
queda l'estrella.

JNP 13.06.18


When the appearance
loose its leaves and flies away
the star still remains.

JNP 13.06.18